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I never expected to be here.
I am a former elementary and special education teacher, and hold a Masters Degree in school counseling. I am a wife and mother who devoted my early adult years to my family...
BUT everything changed when my mom died in 2013. My mom was my best friend and closest confidant. I couldn't image living without her guidance, but I COULD help support my children in the loss of their grandmother. Drawing on my experience as a former school counselor and grief companion, I began to share some of my favorite resources (books, journals, comfort items) with others who were also faced with loss and grief.
I dedicated my work to her memory, opening Wicki's Wings- a shop that sells therapeutic gifts for grieving families.
I also furthered my work in grief support by working with world-renowned grief expert David Kessler.
I completed his training for Certified Grief Educators in 2021 and have found a calling in supporting others in their personal journeys through the forest of grief.
Immediately after her death, I knew that my mom continued to remain in my life. The signs and synchronicities were often and obvious. I learned that I was a medium on accident- after attending a training that solidified everything I already knew. I have been enriched by providing mediumship readings for clients that prove that OUR LOVED ONES ARE ALWAYS WITH US.
A Certified Grief Educator is committed to providing the highest level of grief support through education, experience, and insights into the often unacknowledged rocky terrain of grief.
Certified Grief Educators completed a certificate program designed by world-renowned grief expert, David Kessler. They bring his unique methodology, tools, and decades of experience to help people navigate the challenges of grief.
I was honored to join hosts Kelley Weber and Erin Sucher-O’Grady in the 3rd episode of their series on Witches: Women Who Heal.
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Copyright © 2019 Katie Wedding - All Rights Reserved.
* SOUL Sessions and Mediumship Readings should NOT be used as a substitute for mental health counseling. Sessions are intended to foster personal and spiritual growth, but all actions taken after a reading are the responsibility of the client.